Accountability: Flash Day Fundraiser for UNYA

Back in July we had a fundraiser flash event following our name change to Pacific Rose Tattoo that had an amazing turn out. The energy was high and everyone was in a great mood and even better, with our fundraising goal of 20% of gross proceeds going to UNYA (Urban Native Youth), we were able to donate $1155 thanks to all of you who came out and got tattooed or lasered that day.
Below are photos of the donation receipts for accountability purposes. The reason why there are two separate receipts and the donation amount divided is because UNYA has SO MANY incredible programs that they let you choose from for your donation, we had a hard time choosing just one so we split the donation to support both a healing program and an educational program.

We’re piggy backing this post with a receipt from our previous long running t-shirt fundraiser, again for UNYA. We still have some of those shirts left and available in shop.

Tomorrow we launch our new fundraiser: We will have 80 new t-shirts with a new design at $30 each and 100% of net proceeds will go to Raven Trust once we sell out of shirts or by next Truth and Reconciliation Day. More details to come at time of fundraiser launch.


T-shirt Fundraiser for Raven Trust


Why the Name Change?